How selecting the right college can make a difference to your career journey

Wider interests bring you wider opportunities

If you have other interests outside of your subjects in school or college that can only mean a positive thing. It shows greater awareness, keen learning and wider participation in a range of activities that not only help build further skills, but also surrounds you with a wholesome and enriching experience. This is the reason why selecting a college that offers a range of unique opportunities is so important.

Support your hobbies and wider interests

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Taking part in other activities is important. Having a hobby at a young age does not mean you need to drop this as you get older. In fact, many successful people have supported the uptake of a hobby and shown that it can make you better at your job. Scientific research has also shown that there are multiple health benefits such as having lower levels of depression, reduced stress and improved physical health.

Find a college that not only offers the courses you wish to study, but also the additional clubs and societies you can sign up for.


How to Find a Hobby

The power of multilingualism

Why is it so important to get involved?


As well as the health benefits, there are several other benefits to being part of a club or society that you need to know about:

1. Self-esteem

What makes you unique are your own interests, opinions and goals in life. Once you get involved in different opportunities you can realise your own value, build confidence in your abilities, be inspired and enjoy life.

2. Increase your social network

Share your experience and knowledge with others, have more topics to talk about and make friends.

3. Build and stretch your skills

Whether sports, creative arts or academically designed activities is what interests you, all will help you build a greater skill-set such as persuasion techniques through campaigning, leadership through student unions, resilience through volunteering and confidence through teamwork.

You may not realise that you already possess a number of skills from an early age and throughout your studies.

Employability skills you never knew you had

4. Increase your knowledge

You will also get to broaden your knowledge through the learning of different topics, for example, if you join a debate club or chemistry society. You can learn from fellow club members and experienced staff who will offer you advice, tips and techniques to continue taking part successfully.

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5. Challenge yourself

Something new can be a positive challenge. Stretch your abilities and discover your personal qualities and be proud.

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How to Choose Extracurricular Activities

How does all this affect my career choice?

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It will raise your personal profile to universities, employers and training providers. Showing that you have been active in participating in opportunities in addition to your studies sends a strong message that you are motivated, passionate, have a strong skill-set and willing to learn new things.

They will be more impressed by your determination and forward-thinking attitude. Career opportunities will become more available to you, whether for a competitive degree or a job prospect, as you will become a desirable candidate for employers and the like.

Apprenticeship Opportunities


How can I get involved?

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Most colleges offer an enrichment and student development programme to get you involved in the student community, enhance your skills, keep you happy and develop you as a well rounded, knowledgeable and educated individual.

Look out for events such as the Fresher’s Fair or meet with the enrichment and student development team to find out more. Talk to your friends about what they are involved in to inspire your choice of activity. Try something new and build your confidence.

Enrichment and development opportunities at NewVIc

Choosing the right course

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With so many courses and college options available now more than ever, it is important to keep your own interests at the heart of your choices. You can make better and informed decisions by following these 5 simple steps:

  1. Keep a note of the subjects you enjoy, subjects you are good at and those you would not mind studying more of.

  2. Think about your career ambition; what do you want to become? Which path do you want to follow? What type of job would you like to do? Who has inspired you?

  3. Stay realistic and match your grades, whether predicted or actual, with the course entry requirements. Even if you have not met all of the entry requirements, check if there are alternative courses available that will still lead you onto your career choice. Most colleges will have more than one option for you.

  4. Check which college offers your chosen courses and attend their Open Days to find out more. Talk to subject teachers and current students and make notes to remind yourself of what you discovered.

  5. Find out more about student development and enrichment opportunities that match your interests and hobbies. This will help you develop more skills, knowledge and confidence for when you finish your studies.

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Remember, your skills and interests are what gives you a unique edge to anyone else. Having a passion for something allows you to nurture your talents and gain a better advantage with universities and employers. It is also a great way to build your network of friends and most of all gain the confidence that we all seek in life.

Don’t be afraid to embark on new adventures and get involved in something that captures your interest. This is a great way to build your skills and future prospects and a way to highlight what you have to offer as a unique individual.

Search unique opportunities and courses at NewVIc

Honours Programme

A Levels & Subsidiary Diplomas

NewVIc Professionals

Level 3 Vocational

Creative Arts

Sports Academy


Student Union


Sports and Activities
