English Literature and Language


The coverage of A level English Language and Literature is broader than that of English Literature A level since, in addition to the study of novels and plays, it includes the study of non-fiction spoken and written texts as well as providing exciting opportunities for creative writing. This programme allows you to study a combination of varied texts from both a literary and linguistic perspective. You will develop your written skills and learn to adapt your individual writing for different audiences and purposes.


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NewVIc has joined forces with Newham College London, one of the top-performing FE Colleges in London.

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Key topics

  • how spoken voices are formed and written voices created in literary, non-literary and digital texts

  • how writers convey their thoughts or ideas on a theme in literary and non-fiction writing

  • allowing you to demonstrate your skills as a writer, crafting your own original texts for different audiences

You will

  • develop your understanding of how writers and speakers shape and craft language to present an identity or persona

  • develop your understanding of how writers use language techniques and literary devices to craft your work and communicate ideas or issues

  • make connections between texts as well as look at the significance and influence of the contexts in which they were produced and received

  • acquire the synthesised knowledge and understanding required to produce original pieces of writing

  • A minimum of 5 GCSEs (average score of 5)

    These must include:

    • English Language at grade 5

    • English Literature at grade 5

    • Maths at grade 4

  • Assessment methods include:

    • Exams

    • Coursework

  • This course can be taken as part of an A Level programme.

    We recommend that students choose three A Levels or a combination of Level 3 Extended Certificates and A Levels. Depending on your GCSE grades and long-term destination, some students may be able to take up to four A Levels.

    If you are planning on progressing to university, the majority of university courses do not require specific subjects. Most universities prefer that you are able to demonstrate skills and competence via the successful completion of related courses. Therefore we recommend that the most important thing when choosing course combinations is that you choose a range of subjects that your enjoy and excel in.

    We do not recommend that your take two courses that are similar to each other in content.

    Some courses and universities require that you take specific A Levels for entry onto their courses. Please visit: UCAS.com and explore individual university entry requirements for more information.

    If you are planning on studying Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry or other competitive science based courses, most universities require you to take Biology, Chemistry and either Maths, Statistics or Physics.

    If you want more information on choosing your A Levels, please speak to your schools career advisor or chat to us at any of our careers or open day events.

  • Prepare to join a department that prides itself on creativity and high academic standards. Work with a range of professionals who challenge and inspire you.


    English achieves 100% pass rates at A Level and has the best GCSE English results locally for a sixth form college. English will give you the language and written communication skills needed to thrive in all other subjects.

    As a language, English has a very rich literary heritage as regards to poetry, short stories, novels and plays and this is a fascinating aspect of the subject that is explored in A level English.


    • Kings College Classics Programme

    • Kings College Historical Memory and Identity Programme

    • Wadham and Pembroke Humanities Programmes with Oxford University

    • Links with Oxford and Cambridge Historians

    • SOAS Holocaust Educational Trust

    • EPQ with Greenwich University

    • Cromwell Society

    • Historical Association

    • Geography Association

    • French Cultural Institute

    • Investec

    • Bank of England

    • Stephen Timms MP

    • Friends of the Earth

    • Parliament Education Services


    The English team consists of experienced journalists, musicians, poets and have experiences teaching overseas in countries such as Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    You will learn from experts with academic qualifications including Masters degrees in a range of subjects including philosophy, linguistics, media and communications, enabling your lessons to be taught at a high level throughout your studies.

    Outside of education the English team have professional experience in a range of industries including journalism and music with a member of staff working as a sound engineer in a top 20 hit pop song. Members of the team also perform as musicians and have played in various rock bands in London. They are also interested in a wide range of topics such as the link between literacy and music.

  • Whatever support you need, we’re here for you and will make sure you get the most out of your time at college.

    We have expert teams in place to look after every single one of our students.

    Our specialist teams can help with:

    • Learning difficulties

    • Physical and sensory disabilities

    • Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, Aspergers or other specific learning difficulties

    • Mental health, counselling and wellbeing

    • Exam access arrangements

    • Money, finance and bursary advice

    • Careers advice, job and university applications

  • It is quite possible to study this subject and end up reading English Literature at degree level (but do check university entrance requirements). On the other hand, A level English Language and Literature is perfect preparation for degree courses in English Language or Linguistics.

    A science-based student might well be attracted to this A level as a fourth subject option. The subject leads naturally into all degree courses in the Humanities and is a particularly attractive option for those interested in Journalism or Creative Writing courses.

  • The Complete University Guide give university rankings each year. If you are planning on progressing to university, find out which universities are ranked most highly for Linguistics.