Newham Sixth Form College

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Students pitch on live marketing project in Germany

Business students at Newham Sixth Form College (NewVIc) have been working with students from Kaufmännische Schulen Rheine – a German Business School, on an exciting joint marketing project with leading bathrobe manufacturer CAWÖ. The students are working together as part of an initiative that has been going strong for over 10 years.

The project began with students from Kaufmannische Schulen Rheine visiting NewVIc back in November 2018.

The students’ brief was to design a bathrobe which would appeal to a young audience, then devise and plan a marketing campaign to promote it.

NewVIc students flew out to Rheine in Germany to complete their campaign and pitch their ideas to a senior panel of staff at CAWÖ Textil GmbH & Co. KG.

Students from both institutions gave short presentations on their ideas and received positive feedback from CAWÖ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Daniel Kordts-Wölte.

A joint marketing project such as this, provides a unique way for students to develop their skills in enterprise, teamwork, strategy and communication.  It also provides them with real industry experience and an insight into international business. NewVIc is the only college in London that is working in this type of international collaborative work with students in Germany.

We were nervous when we went up to present to the CEO, it felt quite daunting as we are in a professional environment. The panel asked lots of questions about the product which made us think about how business is in the real world. The CEO of CAWÖ Textil GmbH & Co. KG liked our ideas and gave us great feedback on our campaigns. We hope our findings and campaigns will help Erich to make a decision for their next marketing product launch. The entire process of planning and working with the German college in London and in Rheine has been really fun, we learnt so much about business and gained some real industry experience, which was fantastic!

Level 3 Business student


The marketing business project has been running for three years now (previously it was focused on the German language only) and offers NewVIc students the unique opportunity to not only work with students from Germany, but also to pitch to German manufacturers. We’ve supported them throughout the process, helped them with their planning, rehearse their pitches and given constructive feedback. The trip was well received by all of the students, they were very engaged throughout.

Jas Chaggar
Teacher of business