NewVIc stands against racism

NewVIc stands against racism in all its forms. 

We aim to ensure that all our students leave college with a strong sense of what it means to be a good citizen and can use their voice and education to make the world a better place for everyone.

We are appalled at the recent events in the US which have shone a clear light on racialised inequality and injustice. We understand that the killing of George Floyd at the hands of the American police will have caused strong emotions within our community. As a college, we offer our full support to our BAME students and staff, and stand in solidarity with them.

In solidarity of our community, we have created a page on our website to encourage dialogue, raise awareness and to help understand how we can all do more to stand against racism.

Please visit this page to find answers to a number of questions our students, staff and the wider community may have and learn more about how we can all show our support. 

In addition to this page, tutors will be discussing recent events with their tutor groups and daily content and resources have been shared on our social media platforms.

As a college, we have always sought to create a sense of belonging for our most marginalised and under-represented students. Any form of discrimination is absolutely opposed to our values wherever it takes place in the world. Each of us must understand how racialised privilege operates in our society, and be bold in calling it out.  

We will continue to work hard to ensure this happens.
