Newham Sixth Form College

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Gauri is an aspiring surgical nurse and an avid netball player with NewVIc’s Sports Academy. She is currently in her second year of studying Level 3 Health and Social Care. She was a former Plashet School student. We caught up with Gauri to find out a little more about her journey so far.

What made you choose NewVIc?

Coming to the college Open Day I learnt so much about the course that NewVIc was offering. I was very impressed with the extracurricular activities that were available to students. My initial thoughts about NewVIc was how diverse the college is - inclusion of different social and ethnic backgrounds, gender and religions, something that I want to be a part of. NewVIc is also around the corner from my house which is an added bonus!

How have you found sixth form so far?

So far, my time at NewVIc has been nothing but exciting and enjoyable. I have met some incredible people and involved in so many things at the college. Even though there is the pressure of exams and course work deadlines getting on top of me, the extracurricular activities that NewVIc has on offer for all students has helped me relieve my stress to a large extent.

The college is excellent in the inclusion of everyone when it comes to their sport offering. Newcomers are always welcomed to join any sport they have an interest in. It was very easy for me to take part in all the sports that I wanted to play and is a safe place for me to go and participate in things when I want to have fun. Overall, my experience has been nothing but awesome!

Tell us about some of the projects you have been involved in at the college?

I have been involved in many unique opportunities available to students at the college including the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Netball team. We play against a number of different colleges and so far have been winning a majority of those matches. I always like to win.

I am also a part of the Here Comes the Girls Ambassadors with the Sports Academy. Being an ambassador means we get involved in organising charity events, raising awareness in things that matter to us like mental health and raising awareness of health concerns like breast cancer, sexual health, well being and so forth.

Is there anything you wish you had known that you do now?

At first I was reluctant in joining or participating in any extra curricular activities or sports I was interested in, but by putting myself out there and joining in to the different clubs I realised that I didn’t need to be afraid, I was welcomed straight away and everyone was really friendly and even helped me to get started and be where I am today. I realised I only held myself back.

Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met?

The most inspiring person I have ever known is my lovely granddad. The reason being is I have always remember something he said to me - ‘’ the task ahead of you is never greater than the strength within you’’. I remember when he told me this and often when people think about the tasks ahead of them in life, they become troubled, and until everyone begins to change their mindset about the future and stop thinking about failing and when you just go for it you will succeed, although that success might come after few failures you would have learned a great amount of lessons from it and you will be wiser when you eventually reach your success. There are so many little lessons that he taught me that have always stuck with me to keep me thriving and going forward and achieving my goals.

What is your advice for students considering NewVIc?

My advice would be - don’t be afraid to ask for help as everyone is very supportive and friendly here at the college. Take a look at the unique options that are available at NewVIc. Attend the open days and careers advice sessions. Put yourself out there and join in to as many clubs and societies that you are interested in. Do not be doubtful about it, in the end it will possibly be the best decision you have made.

So what’s next?

After I finish my studies at NewVIc I am looking into becoming a professional netball player alongside studying a degree to become a surgical nurse. My degree will guarantee me a job in the profession I am keen on.