Newham Sixth Form College

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Nathaly is a second-year A Level student studying A Levels in Criminology, Psychology and Philosophy. Alongside her course, Nathaly is also a part of the college’s Student Council and Campaign Champion. Nathaly is also an avid Student Ambassador. She progressed from Skinner’s Academy and joined the college. We caught up with Nathaly to find out a little more about her journey so far.

What made you choose NewVIc?

One of the reasons I chose to come to NewVIc was simply due to the fact that it was close to me, but as I was on my hunt for colleges I noticed that NewVIc was one of the only 3 colleges in the entire London area that offer criminology as a course. The fact that it was so inclusive for every student definitely made me want to be a part of it.

How have you found college so far?

This is my second year at the college and I honestly think that it’s been so good for me. The area where the college is located may appear that it’s not good, however the reality is that NewVIc offers quality education and its really good.

Is there anything you wish you had known that you do now?

“There’s always another way”.

Even if something doesn’t go exactly how you plan for it to go, there’s always another opportunity or another way to approach the situation. There are multiple pathways of getting to the same destination and it’s ok for you to not follow the main one sometimes, life will take you into another and that’s perfectly ok.

Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met?

As cliché as it might sound, my mum is probably the most inspiring person I know. She’s been through so much and has still been able to achieve so many things, she’s never given up and always looked forward even when it seemed impossible and I really admire that.

How have you been supported at NewVIc?

I feel the teaching staff try to help and support every student regardless of their starting points in order to achieve their ambitions and great grades. The welfare team is really helpful for students who are struggling or have concerns. I also love the fact that this college takes students safety and education very seriously.

Tell us about your involvement with the Campaign Champions and being a Student Ambassador.

It’s honestly probably one of the best things I’ve done in my academic life. It’s allowed me to meet so many people and support many students. It’s helped me develop skills and have the chance to be a part of the change and movement. It’s amazing to know that you’re making a positive change for people and to anyone considering coming I would highly suggest joining these student groups , you won’t regret it.

What is your advice for students considering NewVIc?

Make the most out of it. There will always be things that you don’t like or that you might hear but it will be whatever you want it to be. NewVIc is so big and diverse; it has a place for everyone. I’d also want to assure you that there will be people here for you if you’re struggling or if you’re concerned in any way.

You won’t have to feel alone. There’s always groups and extra curricular activities where you’ll have the chance to meet new people and make new friends. No matter who you are, NewVIc will offer you a chance and make you the best you can.

So what’s next?

I’m looking forward to getting into the University of Greenwich to study Psychology and pursue my dream of becoming a psychologist. I’m hope to have my own practice and be able to help people become better in the future.