Newham Sixth Form College

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Entry Level 3: Progress to Further Study


This course is designed for students who are not yet ready to start study at Level 1, including those with mild learning difficulties. The programme focuses on vocational and personal development skills. This will include study in several vocational areas, such as Art and Design, Business, Performing Arts, Health and Social Care and Sports. It will provide you with pathways to further qualifications, such as a Level 1 vocational course or to employment.

You will be supported in class by Learning Support Practitioners. They will help to meet your individual needs and give you support with what you find difficult, for example, understanding what you need to do, reading or writing. Most students are supported in a small group, but occasionally students need one-to-one support.

Applications to the course must be made with the assistance of your careers adviser and school and be supported by an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP).

Key topics

  • developing vocational skills in art and design, performing arts, health and social care, sports and business

  • personal and social development, including aspects of citizenship, understanding young people, and law and order

  • functional skills (English and Mathematics)

You will

  • work on practical projects on a range of themes

  • work independently and in groups

  • develop your communication and team work skills

  • get a taste of studying different vocational areas